CBP Enforcing Vague Cargo Descriptions

As part of U.S. Customs’ ongoing initiative to maintain compliance in an ever-evolving industry, they are beginning to “crack down” on vague cargo descriptions, such as “parts,” “accessories,” “textiles,” and “cleaning supplies.” One often overlooked requirement for a compliant commercial invoice is the need for a precise, or specific, description of the merchandise being imported,… Read more »


The United States Trade Representative (USTR) has issued a notice with a request for comments beginning on May 29, 2024 regarding proposed tariff increases on imports from China subject to Section 301.  The law firm of Sandler, Travis and Rosenberg, P.A. published an excellent article yesterday with a detailed summary of the proposed changes.  Additional information can be found… Read more »

Port of Baltimore Closure Impacts

The tragic collision of container vessel DALI with the Francis Scott Key bridge has rightly dominated headlines.  First for the sad loss of life, but conversation is now moving to the business continuity concerns due to the currently inaccessible Port of Baltimore.  Vessels within the port are unable to depart, including US Navy warships and… Read more »


According to the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), “the National Organic Program (NOP) develops the rules & regulations for the production, handling, labeling, and enforcement of all USDA organic products”.  “The NOP also maintains a Handbook that includes guidance, instructions, policy memos, and other documents that communicate the organic standards”.  The USDA organic… Read more »

Supply Chains in the Middle of Chaos Again

Supply chains find themselves facing tremendous challenges once again, as the current shipping market remains inflated with carriers looking to implement general rate increases before the Chinese Lunar New Year due to unexpected demands.   Also, the delicate political situation in the Middle East where the Houthi terrorist group in Yemen is launching attacks on vessels… Read more »